The requirements for eligibility for an EASA Private Pilot License (Helicopters) are defined in the EASA Aircrew Regulation 1178/2011, Part-FCL.210.H for the experience and training requirements, and in Part-FCL.215 for the theoretical knowledge requirements.
These flight times are the minimum allowed by the regulations, but many factors influence the progress of flight training, and it is only in very few instances that a student will meet the required standards of proficiency in the minimum times.
It is more usual for a student to require between 55-60 hours of training to be proficient in all areas of operation.
Course Outline & Fees
- 35 hours of dual flight instruction | $12,250
- 10 hours of supervised solo flight | $3,250
- 35 hours of ground instruction (one-to-one) | $2,100
- EASA written examinations | $540
- EASA medical | $175
- License Skill Test | $600
Course Total - $18,915
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If you have any questions, want to know more or would like to speak to us about booking this course please call us on (00) 1 772 607 2624 or click the button below.
Eligibility Requirements
- Be at least 17 years of age
- Be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language to at least ICAO level 4 (minimum operational level)
- Hold an EASA second class medical certificate
- Pass 9 theoretical written knowledge examinations in the following subjects : Air Law, Human Performance, Meteorology, Communications, Principles of Flight, Operational Procedures, Flight Performance and Planning, Aircraft General Knowledge, Navigation
- Complete a minimum of 45 hours of helicopter flight time (which must include 25 hours of dual instruction and 10 hours of supervised solo flight, of which at least 5 hours are solo cross country time, with at least 1 cross-country flight of at least 185 km (100 NM), with full stop landings at 2 aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure)
- 35 hours of the 45 hours of flight instruction have to be completed in the same type of helicopter as the one used for the license skill test
- Pass a license skill test with a flight examiner